Saturday, May 8, 2010

This site was about the advantages and disadvantages of windpires
I think we should get a small windmill for GP North because there not expensive to take care of and they are good for the earth.

I think that if i were to install a windmill near my house my neighbors wouldn't like it at all. i think this because they take up lots of space and there isn't even enough space near my house to do this, their not very pretty to look at every morning and their very noisy. Even though windmills are great for the enviornment, they might not always be good for Grosse Pointe.

For the needs of my home, a windspire would be too little to benefit my family. we use about 104 Kw and out lowest was 43 Kw. This wouldn't benefit to my family because in the summer we use lots of air conditioning and in the winter months we use lots of heating for the house and also use the lights more often because its typically darker in the winter.

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