Sunday, May 2, 2010

Kennecott or not?

www.northwoodswild.orgprojects/sulfied-and-uranium-mining _Institute.pdf
These websited were about the good and bad effects of the Kennocott plan
An AMD is acid mine drainage, it is caused by miners wanting to open up new sulfide mining areas.
concerns about AMD are water quality, would destroy land calturally significant to area tribes and more metal would be wasted instead of reused.
They will clean up mining areas by obtaing an air use permit for air emissions, national pollutant discharge elimination system, permit for treating water to surface waters, a reclamation of the facality and tailings into the existing Humboldt pit.
The benefits of the Kennocatt plan are the eagle mine and Humbolt mill projects create an estimated 500 construction jobs and 200 full time operation jobs generate millions of dollars in tax revenues.
The kennocot plan assures that it ownt harm wildlife by making sure its a safe operation, wireless routers will be instatlled at each level , with the main control dispatch center at the service. A tag reading systen will also be installed at critical areas to assure all persons are accounted for within the mine.

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