Sunday, May 16, 2010

Oil Disaster in the Gulf

The website i used is called Http://
The title is Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Creates Enviornmental and Polotical Dilemmas. This website was about the oil spill in the Gulf and the many problems that its causing.
The explosion in the oil rig happened on April 22, it's suspected that a build of pressure in the extremely deep water caused the explosion.
The areas of the U.S. being impacted by the oil spill are Louisiana and Florida.
Some of the many problems of this oil spill are that the spill covers an extremely large area, even bigger than Luxemburg. It has created many enviornmental problems as well. Some problems of this are that oil could coat seabirds causeing them to have less of an ability to fly. Another problem is that it could injure marine organisms causing them to have bad respiration and bision. Lastly the Gulf of Mexico is gome to many endangered species, such as sea turtles, tuna, grouper and snapper. This oil spill could hurt or kill them causing the enviornment to become even worse.
There is about 5,000 barrels of oil leaking into the ocean each day.
People are trying to stop the oil leak by putting many tons of dispersent into the ocean to break up the oil. They are also putting up barriers for miles to protect shores. This dosent seem to be very successful because the oil is spilling non stop and polotical and enviornmental problems are worstening everyday.

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