Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Nashville Floods

The sites i used were
The title of this article is called Nashville Flooding: At Least 29 Dead From Record Rains In Mid- South. This article was about the flash floods in Nashville. it tells how many feet above average the flood was.
The second site i used is Http://
This article is called Floods Prompt Evacuations in Nashville. It talks about the flood in Nashville and how many deaths it brought about.
The cause of the flooding in Nashville was two days of drenching rain. In two days 13 inches of rain fell, flooding the cumberland river. This river was about 12 feet above flooding stage. Two flood control measures had already been placed in Nashville; These were flood control dams were built, the river was already 50 ft above sea level so this haden't really helped and the levee was built as well. This haden't helped at all because water was leeking out from it leeking into the streets of Nashville.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Oil Disaster in the Gulf

The website i used is called Http://
The title is Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Creates Enviornmental and Polotical Dilemmas. This website was about the oil spill in the Gulf and the many problems that its causing.
The explosion in the oil rig happened on April 22, it's suspected that a build of pressure in the extremely deep water caused the explosion.
The areas of the U.S. being impacted by the oil spill are Louisiana and Florida.
Some of the many problems of this oil spill are that the spill covers an extremely large area, even bigger than Luxemburg. It has created many enviornmental problems as well. Some problems of this are that oil could coat seabirds causeing them to have less of an ability to fly. Another problem is that it could injure marine organisms causing them to have bad respiration and bision. Lastly the Gulf of Mexico is gome to many endangered species, such as sea turtles, tuna, grouper and snapper. This oil spill could hurt or kill them causing the enviornment to become even worse.
There is about 5,000 barrels of oil leaking into the ocean each day.
People are trying to stop the oil leak by putting many tons of dispersent into the ocean to break up the oil. They are also putting up barriers for miles to protect shores. This dosent seem to be very successful because the oil is spilling non stop and polotical and enviornmental problems are worstening everyday.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

This site was about the advantages and disadvantages of windpires
I think we should get a small windmill for GP North because there not expensive to take care of and they are good for the earth.

I think that if i were to install a windmill near my house my neighbors wouldn't like it at all. i think this because they take up lots of space and there isn't even enough space near my house to do this, their not very pretty to look at every morning and their very noisy. Even though windmills are great for the enviornment, they might not always be good for Grosse Pointe.

For the needs of my home, a windspire would be too little to benefit my family. we use about 104 Kw and out lowest was 43 Kw. This wouldn't benefit to my family because in the summer we use lots of air conditioning and in the winter months we use lots of heating for the house and also use the lights more often because its typically darker in the winter.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Kennecott or not?

www.northwoodswild.orgprojects/sulfied-and-uranium-mining _Institute.pdf
These websited were about the good and bad effects of the Kennocott plan
An AMD is acid mine drainage, it is caused by miners wanting to open up new sulfide mining areas.
concerns about AMD are water quality, would destroy land calturally significant to area tribes and more metal would be wasted instead of reused.
They will clean up mining areas by obtaing an air use permit for air emissions, national pollutant discharge elimination system, permit for treating water to surface waters, a reclamation of the facality and tailings into the existing Humboldt pit.
The benefits of the Kennocatt plan are the eagle mine and Humbolt mill projects create an estimated 500 construction jobs and 200 full time operation jobs generate millions of dollars in tax revenues.
The kennocot plan assures that it ownt harm wildlife by making sure its a safe operation, wireless routers will be instatlled at each level , with the main control dispatch center at the service. A tag reading systen will also be installed at critical areas to assure all persons are accounted for within the mine.